New Moon in Pisces March 10 2024
Go with the flow
The New Moon in Pisces dreams itself into being at 1am PST with a sprinkle of spice. Pisces, the sign of mermaids (or mermen), mystics, artists and poets is amplified for this floaty New Moon. But you might be taken into it a bit unwillingly like a wave sucking you out to sea if you resist. Go with it. You’re safe in Mother Ocean’s embrace.
The reason is because the Moon and Sun are loosely conjunct Neptune the planet that benevolently presides over Pisces. Neptune is the planet of higher love, compassion, spirituality and dreams. This gives this New Moon a drifty inspired quality. You might feel like you’ve driven into a fog or dove underwater to find a magical city that seahorses built.
Let yourself day dream, be fallow, be un-directed. Watch the Oscars, read a book or take a long bath. Put the “to-do” list down for a day or so. None of these activities is a waste of your time, in truth, they are the perfect way to engage this New Moon. If you try to have agency on this New Moon you might find yourself spinning your wheels and getting stuck. So why not just give yourself the gift of letting go for a day especially with the time change! (Those time changes are so Neptunium.)
This Moon is having a conversation with Uranus, the rascal planet that likes to shake things up. So while you are floating along in your pea green boat, don’t be surprised to be surprised. Some of what comes to the surface might be unexpected. Just keep an open mind and heart and go with the flow.
This is particularly important for this Moon because it is a Super Moon that is opening the gateway to a VERY POWERFUL eclipse season. Eclipses always come in pairs, one Full Moon Lunar eclipse and one New Moon Solar eclipse. On March 25th we will have a partial Full Moon lunar eclipse and then …….drumroll….. We will have a total Solar eclipse on April 8th! The last one visible in North America for 20 years!
This Solar eclipse will not be visible here in the PNW. It makes landfall in Mazatlán and sweeps north up through Texas and up through the USA then finally goes into the Ocean off Prince Edward Island in Canada. Eclipses are always a highly transformative period in the year. They tend to bring movement change and disruption that allows us to evolve and reach a new state of consciousness. While they can be challenging at times, eclipses always put us where we need to be.
So this makes this New Moon particularly precious. Relax. Dream. Breathe. Do it without guilt. I give you permission.
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