Full Moon in Scorpio 2024
“And then day came when the risk to remain tight in and bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom” Anais Nin
Hello Earthlings! Wow, what a roller coaster ride of an astrology month! We are almost to the finish line. First we have the Full Moon in Scorpio on April 23rd at 5 pm PDT and then Mercury goes direct on the 25th, then it’s flowers and cake next month.
The eclipse season brought us new awakenings, and then on April 20th we had one of the most significant transits of the year with Uranus and Jupiter in Taurus meeting up for some transformation tea! This only happens every 14 years and even longer in the exact sign. The last time it happened in Taurus was in 1941 and won’t happen again till 2107!
This conjunction between Jupiter, (the planet of seeking and expansion) and Uranus (the planet of change and revolution) can spark an inner fire within all of us to change (personally and collectively) whatever it is that binds us. Imagine a plant in too small of a container and one day it breaks the container and runs its roots deep into the Earth with profound satisfaction. (I just saw that happen with a plant I kept meaning to transplant…) That’s this transit.
You might have had a sudden change or it might look like nothing is happen but there is subterranean movement that will soon break the bounds that bind it. The best way to navigate this powerful growth is not to resist. Allow. Breathe and allow your bud to risk blooming. The outcome is stunning.
That’s where the Full Moon in Scorpio comes in. Scorpio is the most intense sign in the Zodiac and its number one super power is processing the emotional subterranean world. Plus it is square Pluto, the modern ruler of Scorpio, who’s the planet of transformation and going deep. This combination will help you start to process all that is branching out of you.
I invite you to create space to have compassion for yourself and others with this Full Moon. People are feeling stressed and under pressure and might not be at their best.
Growth is not always fun but it is necessary. We must come out of our comfort zones to grow and Taurus is infamously stubborn to change. Being a Taurus Sun myself I have honest advice to share on this: focus on how the change will eventually bring relief, comfort and beauty into your life. Water your plants with courage and trust. If you resist, then the change will not be to your choosing and inevitably more difficult.
I love that the Scorpio Full Moon is also called the Buddha Moon. It is the time that Buddha is honored in the Himalayas. They celebrate his birth, enlightenment, and death under this Scorpio Full Moon. The Scorpio Full Moon also brings a thinning of the veils between dimensions, allowing our own process of enlightenment to expand and all these transits certainly are nurturing that!
Spend time in the Sun and walk on the Earth barefoot. Do random acts of kindness and senseless acts of beauty. Celebrate being alive and having the opportunity for growth that produces gorgeous flowers.
Audrey Stewart says
Thank you so much, I really needed this!
Dana Zia says