The much awaited Total Solar Eclipse in the rambunctious sign of Aries finally arrives on April 8th 2024. It will start at around 11am PDT. Here is the PNW we will only see a partial eclipse but from Texas to Maine, it will be a Total Eclipse of the Sun.
You’d have to live under a rock not to of heard of this Eclipse. The reasons that this Eclipse is so important are that it is the last Total Eclipse of the Sun in the USA for 20 years and it is highly aspected, particularly with the minor planet Chiron, the wounded healer. This is a powerful cosmic event and will echo in our lives for the next 18 months.
Eclipses are highly transformative events that bring great shifts in our lives. You may not feel it right away, but it is a seed that it planted that will grow. Solar Eclipses are always on a New Moon so you can think of it as a New Moon on steroids. It is highly supercharged and particularly where visible.
New Moons are considered the beginning of a new cycle so with this magnified energy in Aries, you will be feeling your oats and ready to get on with the spring cleaning or another meaning project. You might even feel a strong push to start something inconceivable that takes bravery and moxie to do. This Solar Eclipse has that kind of energy.
Flow with it but also be aware that this needs to be a sustainable project after the flash of energy from the Eclipse subsides in a few weeks.
This New Moon Eclipse also has an underworldly feel to it as it is exactly conjunct (next to) the minor planet Chiron and mixed up with Mercury retrograde. In English, that means that it might not all be cookies and rainbows but also some shadow work.
Chiron was discovered in 1977 hanging out in the space between Saturn and Uranus. It is kinda comet and kinda planet giving it the naming as a “centaur”. (Yes, we have centaurs in our solar system) It was named after the most famous centaur in Greek mythology who was a great teacher and healer. He had more temples built to him in ancient Greece that almost any other deity and was beloved among mortals.
Why? Because he was a god that could feel pain like mortals.
His life started out with abandonment (the original wound) but Apollo and Athena raised him to be both a warrior and a healer. One day, he was injured in the thigh by a poisoned tip arrow that would never heal. He lived his life seeking eternally for the healing to this un-mastered wound to no avail. Consequently, he became an extraordinary healer and teacher.
Wherever Chiron is located in your astrology birth chart is a good indication of where your original wound is that you have to learn to live with. It is also the place that propels you to seek healing and consequently grow an area of expertise even if you can never rid yourself of the original wound.
This supercharged Eclipse can touch that wound and expose it. It can guide us towards what we need to do to make peace with it. There is no changing the past, only changing what we think of it. Mercury Retrograde is here to assist in this.
Be gentle with yourselves Earthlings. What gets illuminated from the Solar Eclipse is where you need to be particularly compassionate with yourself about. By making peace with these wounds, you can then chart a course forward into uncharted territories that you will get a glimpse of during this next 18 months.
Gather strength from the energy of this event, exercise deep compassion and set intentions that are fresh and new. Pick something that breathes life into your soul and propels you forward into a new chapter and makes peace with your past.
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