Happy New Years! Yes, you read that right, March 20th is the astrological New Year when the Sun moves into Aries and spring officially starts. It so happens that this year the Spring Equinox is one day before the New Moon in Aries. The New Moon is at 10:22 am on Mach 21st Pacific time. This New Moon/Equinox is a gateway to step through into our power.
This astrological New Years is one of the most potent in years and years! The reason is that not only do we have a feisty New Moon in Aries with it but there are two major planets, Saturn and Pluto, changing signs this month. This is a big deal my dear Earthlings.
Saturn shifted from Aquarius to Pisces on March 7th on the Full Moon in Virgo. Saturn has been in Aquarius since March 21 of 2020. (Does that vaguely ring a bell?) Yes indeed, when Saturn moved into Aquarius the world locked down into the weird strange voyage through Covid. I can’t say that we are done with Covid, but we are learning to live with it and our world is definitely altered by it. I will write a post what the predictions of Saturn in Pisces are soon but I can tell you, we are all feeling very hopeful that it will be much gentler.
Right after the New Moon on March 23rd, Pluto will move from Capricorn where it has been since 2008 into Aquarius. Pluto is a very.slow.moving planet. (In astrology we still consider Pluto to be a planet cause who would tell the Lord of the Underworld that he’s be demoted?) Pluto takes his sweet time and crunches through a sign like a slow moving glacier, dramatically changing the landscape as he goes. He will be in Aquarius for about 20 years. This event deserves a full post too which I will also write this week.
Meanwhile, back to the New Moon in Aries….. This New Moon is joined by Mercury, Jupiter and Chiron to create a big juicy Aries push for us to shake off the winter hibernation and wake up with enthusiasm. This is STRONG forward momentum energy! Change is in the air and it is spicy and fragrant with potential.
Aries is the sign of springing forward into something that stirs the soul. I call it the sign of the “protector of the small” as Aries doesn’t even bat an eye to spring into action to help a child, animal or vulnerable being. What inspires you to pick up the sword of compassion and protect something vulnerable? What have your needed an extra dose of courage to plunge into but have been holding back from?
Now is the time! The strength and courage that are the earmarks of this fiery sign are in the air for us to access. Seize the energy and run with it!
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