Full Moon in Aquarius 8/19/24
Expect the unexpected
Hang onto your hats Earthlings, this full Moon in Aquarius on August 19th could be full of surprises and breakthrough!
Open your wings of flexibility over the next few days as we might experience unexpected turbulence, insights or revelations that could challenge our comfort zones. But as we all know, it is in these places of discomfort, that we grow.
This spunky Full Moon is in the rebellious, visionary sign of Aquarius… and it is exactly squaring (a transit that demands action) Uranus. (The planet of Revolution and breakthrough) That’s basically an Aquarius double whammy, and a powerful opportunity to leap a tall building that has seemed impossible before now. (Remember your wings?)
You may not feel the change abruptly, but be prepared to allow it. Uranus only applies pressure in areas where we’ve gotten into a rut, become complacent or lazy. This full Moon is here to help us move forward into a future we desire.
Sometimes that’s hard, but we can do hard stuff.
Here’s the formula for Uranus Transits;
-Do not resist that will just make it worse.
-Exercise non-attachment (I know, easier said than done)
-Go with the flow. In the immortal words of Jefferson Starship (Airplane) “You’d say to the wind as it took you away; That’s where I wanted to go today”
Do your very very best to not make impetuous decisions during this Moon phase.
Allow spaciousness. Don’t rush in.
Observe and allow things to sit for 3 days before you do something that feels charged. Mars is still in a dynamic square with Saturn and conjunct Jupiter which is the perfect formula for blowing stuff up! Let your wings lift you above it all to get the big picture. That will help you get perspective.
And above all, be kind to yourself and others.
You’re probably going to blow something up.
You’re probably going to resist change.
You’re probably going to want to beat up on yourself or someone else (or both).
Let go
Take really really good care of yourself and others. (In that order) Stop and look around and be astonished at all we have. We are so lucky!
Change can be good particularly if you choose it.
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